Gammställnäset i Laisholm
See & do Culture & attractions Prehistoric times & New settler culture


This is one of the oldest settlements in Tärna.

At the end of Laisholm village there is a turn-off to Gammställnäset. As the name itself suggests - literally translated it means Old Place point - this is one of the oldest settlements in Tärna.
Furthest out on the foreland a Stone Age settlement 120 metres long has been studied. Altogether about 150 finds have been collected. The most remarkable of these are the asbestos potsherds which have been fitted together to form a bowl. The Laisan pot has been dated at 1000 BC, which makes it one of the earliest known asbestos bowls. There has been considerable manufacturing of arrowheads at the settlement. Quantities of part-finished arrowheads and quartz chippings have been found and can still be found in the sand. Numerous objects from later times have also been discovered here. A stone for making fire and a piece of bronzework shaped like an animal’s head have been dated at the Iron Age in the eighth century AD.